How To Test For Gonorrhea From Home?
How To Test For Gonorrhea From Home?
Are you experiencing weird symptoms in your genitals? Have you recently had unprotected sex and you’re worried you may have caught an STD? In this article, I’ll tell you all you need to know about gonorrhea and how to test for gonorrhea from home.
It’s easy to confuse the symptoms of different STDs, gonorrhea included, with more benign infections such as bacterial vaginosis, vaginal yeast infection or male yeast infection.
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It can affect your genital and anal area as well as your throat if you practice unprotected oral sex.
Getting properly diagnosed is crucial because you don’t want to keep spreading an infectious disease and many STDs, such as gonorrhea, can put a severe strain on your health.
What Are The Symptoms of Gonorrhea?
If you’re a woman, you may not get any symptoms at all, that’s why it’s so important to test for STDs on a regular basis if you practice unprotected sex. Some women infected with gonorrhea will experience the following symptoms:
- Pain when urinating
- A lot of vaginal discharge
- Vaginal bleeding between periods
These symptoms can easily be confused with a yeast infection or BV, however as I said before, a majority of women who have gonorrhea won’t experience any symptoms.
If you’re a man, you’re also not likely to notice anything odd. However, you should get alarmed if you notice:
- Pain in your testicles
- Pain during urination
- Penile discharge
Both men and women can get a gonorrhea infection in their throat. Once again, they may not experience any symptoms, but some may notice symptoms similar to those associated with strep throat:
- A sore throat
- Redness
- Pain when swallowing
What’s The Best Way To Get Tested From Home?
If you cannot see our doctor to have your swabs taken or go to a sexual health clinic, you can test for gonorrhea from home. One of the best options is to order a gonorrhea test online. You’ll have to log in and your user account will be created so you can easily consult your results once they’re ready.
When you receive your test kit, follow the instructions to take your swabs. Then send them back in an attached prepaid envelope. Once MyLabBox receives your swabs, it usually takes 24 to 48 hours for your results to appear on their website when you log in.
Should you test positive, they offer a free consultation with a doctor over the phone so you can get more information about available treatments and precautions you should take.
I like the fact that MyLabBox offer a wide variety of sexual health tests for men and women and they’re very quick to give you the results. Also, this way of testing is very convenient and offer full privacy.
They often provide discounts for their tests so I’ll keep updating this article with promo codes and offer so you can get the best deal possible.
How is Gonorrhea Transmitted?
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that spreads through vaginal, oral and anal sex. Even if there’s no ejaculation, gonorrhea can be transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact. A mother can also infect her baby with gonorrhea during childbirth.
If you get treated for gonorrhea and recover, you’re still at risk of becoming reinfected by unprotected sex with a gonorrhea carrier.

Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Cells
How Can I Protect Myself From Gonorrhea?
If you’re not sure whether you have gonorrhea, get tested to avoid spreading the infection to your sexual partner or partners. In case you test positive, abstain from sex until you finish your treatment and recover completely.
Make sure you always use a condom when you have sex and use a dental dam during oral sex. It’s especially important if you often change sexual partners or you’re starting a new relationship and you’re not sure of your current partner’s sexual history.
How is Gonorrhea Treated?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the most effective treatment involves two antimicrobial drugs with a different mechanism of action, such as a combination of cephalosporin and azithromycin.
It’s important to know that an antimicrobial treatment will not repair any damage that gonorrhea infection may have caused to your body, but it will most probably treat the infection itself.
In recent years, super gonorrhea strain infections immune to conventional treatment have been on the rise. If you see no improvement within a few days after getting your treatment make sure that you see your healthcare provider so you can be reevaluated and a new treatment can be prescribed.
If you take your health seriously, getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases is something you should do once a year. If left untreated, STDs can lead to serious complications.
Gonorrhea, for example, in women untreated gonorrhea can lead to pelvic inflammatory diseases which can lead to blocked fallopian tubes and infertility. In men, it can cause severe pain in the tubes connected to the testicles and in some case,s it can result in infertility.
These changes are very difficult, if not impossible to reverse. Therefore, bearing in mind that most people don’t get any gonorrhea symptoms at all, it should be your priority to get tested for gonorrhea at least once a year. If gonorrhea is treated in time, it won’t cause any permanent damage to your health.
Have you ever tried a home STD test? Where you happy with the service? Have you ever had gonorrhea? Please share your experiences and questions in the comment section below.
Thanks for this article. I didn’t realize gonorrhea doesn’t normally give any symptoms, but you convinced me to get tested anyway! Better safe than sorry! I checked MyLabBox you recommend and I found a vaginal health test which checks for yeast infection, BV and the most common STDs, gonorrhea included. I think it’s a perfect test for women who get strange vaginal symptoms and can’t figure out what they’ve got. Thanks once again!
Thank you for your comment Olivia, MyLabBox has got an impressive selection of STD tests for men and women. The one you mention is called V-Box and it tests for Yeast, BV, Trichomoniasis, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Good luck!
Hi, I’ve never heard about STD testing online. Didn’t know such things were possible! I think it’s really convenient for people who live in remote areas like I do. If you can’t go to a sexual health clinic, a sexual health clinic will come to you;) I’ll be ordering soon and I’ll let you know how it went.
Hi Kelly, please let us know if you are happy with your MyLabBox experience. I wish you all the best and I hope to hear from you soon!