Can yeast infections be sexually transmitted?

Can yeast infections be sexually transmitted?


The answer seems obvious, as usually the treatment of vaginal yeast infections involves treating the woman’s sexual partner and they are told to use condoms during the Candida bout to avoid reinfection.


When I started researching the topic in-depth I was expecting to find a lot of evidence in support of this practice.


can yeast infections be sexually transmitted


Once again, I was surprised to find many studies that show there is no link between male sexual partners and vaginal yeast infections at all!


Let’s See What Science Says


  • One study focused on female and male factors in recurring vaginal yeast infections. They found that candidiasis was linked to receptive anal and oral sex and douching, but not to the number of sexual partners or whether they were Candida positive or not.


  • Another study tried to establish if treatment of the sexual partners of women with vaginal candidiasis with oral Ketoconazole improved recovery and recurrence rate. They treated 144 women with vaginal candidiasis and half the male partners with Ketoconazole 400 mg daily for 7 days. In the group with untreated partners 53 of 72 women recovered after one week, in the group with treated partners 57 of 72 recovered after one week.


Can yeast infections be sexually transmitted?


  • In the group with untreated partners, 53% experienced a recurrence 4 weeks after starting treatment compared to 61% in the untreated partners’ group. The difference is very small, so the investigators concluded that simultaneous treatment of the male partners with Ketoconazole didn’t affect either recovery rate or recurrence rate in women with vaginal yeast infections.


  • There is another study that focused on lesbian couples and it found no evidence for sexual transmission of genital Candida between women.



  • A recent study that looked at sexual transmission of genital yeast infections in heterosexual couples. Researchers found the same Candida species in both partners in 25% of all couples but only 17.2%  were genetically similar. I was surprised to find that only 16% of women with recurrent vaginal thrush had Candida positive partner while 84% of Candida positive men were partners of women who didn’t suffer from recurrent Candida episodes. So the researchers say that male sexual partners are not a risk factor when it comes to vaginal yeast infections.


Can yeast infections be sexually transmitted?


What’s the Best Way to Treat a Vaginal Yeast Infection?


One of the most effective treatments for vaginal yeast infection is boric acid. Boric acid suppositories have been scientifically documented to successfully treat even the yeast infections that don’t respond to standard antifungal treatments.


With two suppositories a day for seven consecutive days, you’ll recover from your yeast infection completely. If you suffer from chronic yeast infections, you can use one suppository as week as a maintenance treatment to keep yeast at bay.


Can yeast infections be sexually transmitted?


If you’re a man suffering from a penile yeast infection, apply Miconazole Cream on your penis twice a day for seven consecutive days.


If you prefer a 100% natural treatment, try coconut oil. It’s got excellent antifungal and antibacterial properties and it can be very effective in treating yeast infections.





I was very surprised by these findings, to say the least. I’d be interested to hear from a medical professional who could tell me how these findings could affect the treatment of women with recurring vaginal yeast infections.


can yeast infections be sexually transmitted


All in all, the studies I’ve discussed show that the most important factor in Candida transmission is sexual practices such as oral sex and receptive anal sex. It’s worth knowing that having sex more than 7 times a week and the use of condoms with nonoxynol-9 are sex-related risk factors.


Order Boric Acid Suppositories Today


What’s more, vaginal yeast infection is not considered to be a sexually transmitted disease because it also happens to women who have never had sex (it occurs even in baby girls) or don’t have a sexual partner when they get the infection and because Candida is a part of the normal vaginal flora.


Tell me about your experiences. What do you think triggers your vaginal yeast infections?


  • Thank you so much for this valuable information and for answering allot of my questions. I love your site and haven’t found another like this. I get yeast infections allot, my personal opinion is the partner your with has a great impact on how often you get an infection. I have an ex that caused me to have one every time without fail. I broke up with him. My question is can you prevent them altogether?

  • Hello there
    Thanks for a very informative read in a subject which most women prefer not to talk about even when it exist people prefer not to talk about it.
    Yeast infection can rock a relationship.Many people still believe that original (first time infection)yeast infection is sexually transmitted so when a partner gets yeast infection for the first time, it can bring friction in a relationship.
    As said, thanks this was very informative, will let my friends read it for info on this almost taboo subject that some women prefer to suffer in silence.

    • Thanks Roamy, I’m glad you found the article informative. It’s a shame that vaginal yeast infections are still a taboo for many. You should see some people’s faces when I tell them what my website is about! But I think it’s important to keep people well informed, so they can make the right choices when it comes to their health. I’m glad my readers find it useful:)

  • Hey Kam,
    I do hope the male partner not being a risk factor when it comes to bacterial infections fact is true though, it puts a lot of pressure on a couple’s relationship having this sort of worry, it pushes people away.

    Before I got stable with my girlfriend, she broke up with me a couple times as she was really insecure with the yeast infection part. I had to study and read a lot of books before I was able to convince her.

    • Hi Riaz, vaginal yeast infection can put a serious strain on a relationship, especially at the beginning when there still isn’t enough trust between the two people. I’m glad you managed to educate yourself and convince your girlfriend that there’s nothing to be ashamed of and you are fine now. Everything can be overcome with mutual trust and support.

  • I had no idea yeast infections were solely applicable to heterosexual (and I assume bisexual) women. I always thought they were simply a relatively common issue that some women unfortunately experienced occasionally. Boy was I surprised! I’d love to hear what medical professionals have to say. Have you heard back from any yet?

    • Hi, thanks for your comment. I haven’t heard from a medical professional yet, but I’ll keep you updated. Yeast infections are applicable to both men and women, but the research I presented suggests that they are not likely to infect each other. Anyone can get a yeast infection, but there are other factors that cause it, probably not sexual partners.

  • Your site is very informative when it comes to yeast infections. I was surprised to learn that it was not affected by sexual interaction with men as I was previously told by my doctor that my partner would have to be treated if I had it, so that it wouldn’t recur. Looks like you’ve done your research and it can really help anyone who is seeking information regarding understanding and dealing with yeast infections.

    • Hi Marion, I was surprised to find so many studies showing that vaginal yeast infections are not sexually transmitted. However, treating male sexual partners is a common practice and I’m sure there are studies that support it, plus it won’t do your partner any harm to be treated. It’s just interesting to get a different perspective on this topic, but your doctor knows best!

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