How to Use Ginger for Yeast Infection?
Ginger is known as an excellent natural remedy for yeast infection and it also offers such health benefits as:
nausea relief
- anti-inflammatory
- boosting the immune system
- relieving menstrual pain and headaches
However, with growing resistance to yeast such as Candida to conventional antifungal drugs, scientists focus more and more on its antifungal properties.
Recently quite a few studies emerged on how ginger can be used for a yeast infection, I’ll discuss some of them later.
So how can ginger help you fight a yeast infection?
Ginger Tea
Antifungal qualities of ginger come in different forms, from essential oil to ginger tea.
We still need more studies about using ginger in pharmaceutical medication, but we can use its antifungal properties by simply eating it in its natural form by adding it to sauces and stir-fries or drinking ginger tea.
You can make homemade ginger tea by chopping a piece of ginger and adding it to boiling water, leaving it there for a few minutes, and adding some honey and a dash of lemon juice for an exquisite, refreshing taste.
You can also use ginger tea to relieve vaginal yeast infection symptoms. Soak a cotton pad in ginger tea and spread it around your vulva for instant relief!
Ginger Tea and Coconut Oil Tampons
Mix a cup of freshly brewed ginger tea with two tablespoons of coconut oil and 15 drops of tea tree oil. Soak a tampon in it for 10 minutes and insert it into your vagina. Inserting a new tampon every six hours is best until the infection clears.
Ginger Root Supplement
You may also choose to use ginger diet supplements, such as Herbal Secrets Ginger Root Supplement, which doesn’t contain any fillers or artificial ingredients. Apart from antifungal properties, it can:
- help you remove toxins from your body
- reduce inflammation
- improve the absorption of nutrients
- boost your immune system and the cardiovascular system
What’s the Scientific Evidence for Ginger’s Antifungal Properties?
- A 2008 study shows that fluconazole-resistant C. albicans, C. dubliniensis, and Candida non-albicans are susceptible to ginger essential oils
- A 2013 study found potent antifungal qualities of the glycolic ginger extract against Candida albicans, while another study found that ethanolic ginger extract solution in concentration 1:5 was comparable to Nystatin (an antifungal drug used against fluconazole-resistant Candida strains) in terms of effectiveness.
- Another 2013 study found 10% ethanolic ginger extract shows antimicrobial potential against Candida albicans.
- One more study from 2013 evaluated how ginger starch can boost antifungal qualities of honey against Candida albicans and it found that it can be an alternative to tackle the resistance to antifungal drugs.
- Apart from its antifungal compounds, ginger can help you fight a yeast infection by raising your body temperature, creating an inhospitable environment for Candida.
What are the side effects of ginger?
Ginger is generally considered safe, but rash, belching, heartburn, bloating, and nausea are possible. Eating ginger isn’t recommended for those who suffer from inflammatory bowel disease, ulcers, and gallstones.
Some women experience extra menstrual bleeding after eating ginger. When applied to the skin, ginger can cause irritation.
Not Sure if it’s a Yeast Infection? Get Tested
Sometimes, vaginal itching and discharge may be caused by something more serious than a yeast infection. Some sexually transmitted diseases, as well as bacterial vaginosis, may give similar symptoms. That’s why it’s very important to get tested to know for sure what kinds of infection you’ve got.
Sexually transmitted diseases can devastate your health if left untreated, so you should establish the cause of your symptoms as soon as possible.
One of the most convenient and discreet ways to do it is by ordering a home test kit. It allows you to take your swabs from the comfort of your home and send them straight to the lab. You’ll get your results by email within 3 to 5 days.
Many companies offer online testing services, but my favorite is MyLabBox because apart from STD testing, they also test for BV and yeast infection. If you test positive, you’ll get a free medical consultation so you can start your treatment as soon as possible.
Order Your Vaginal Health Test Today
Ginger is one of the best natural remedies for a yeast infection next to aloe vera and coconut oil. You can easily incorporate it into your diet as a preventative measure or use ginger tea to relieve your symptoms.
Make sure you always have it handy because it’s a very versatile remedy, it will not only help you fight symptoms of a yeast infection, but also the common cold, nausea, and headache.
Have you ever tried using ginger for a yeast infection? Maybe you used it as a home remedy for other conditions? Please share your experiences and feedback in the comment section below.
Am being t4oubled by yeast infection,I have vaginal itching and it has now progressed to sores,I used antibiotics three times and nothing happened,I did urinalysis,the leukocyte levels were elevated,I want to try ginger
Wow it’s still my first time suffering from yeast infection . First time I went to the doctor and now it’s back I just really need an effective way to get rid of it and I hope the tea can help with this problem the discharge smell is annoying and uncomfortable . I just don’t wear tampons but hopefully the tea mixture will work for me
Thanks for all the information I have got from using ginger .I have got serious pains on top and outside my vingina for more than 9 months today and I have being to the hospital and they have carried out so many exams and they have not seen any thing serious .But I am still having the pains after taking all the medication .For now I am going to start using ginger .Advice me on how to use it to go very fast . While waiting to read from you sooner or later accept my best regards
Mecaly Elizabeth
Hi Mecaly, if you’re experiencing pain you may be suffering from a different condition, not a yeast infection. But if it is a yeast infection and you want to treat it naturally, it’s best to use something more powerful than ginger. Try coconut oil suppositories with tea tree oil or aloe vera suppositories instead. And please keep us updated! Wishing you all the best.
what if I can’t get a tea tree oil? what other alternative please?
Hi Ella, a good alternative would be lavender oil. If you can’t get an essential oil, coconut oil with ginger tea may be just enough. Good luck!
That’s amazing, I will try it
Hi Angel, let us know if it worked! Good luck!
So nice…I will really try this ginger recipes… Thanks much guyz
Hi Gift, let us know if it helped!
I actually applied the ginger juice to the itch and it went away
Am gonna try it thx
Hi Doreen, please let us know if ginger tea tampons work for you. You may also want to try coconut oil suppositories. Good luck!
Yes I normally insert ginger root direct. And it works so well for me, but learning about the ginger tea I will try that next time I have it.
Thanks for commenting Fay, do you peel the root before inserting it? Doesn’t it burn a bit? I can imagine inserting the root would be more effective than ginger tea tampon, but I thought it could cause burning and irritation.
I just learnd from a friend that the ginger root is good to insert directly in the vagina. I’ve been having pain so he told me to try it….. Insert it at night and take it out in the morning. Today is my first time.
Hi Elly, please let us know if inserting ginger root was enough to get rid of your yeast infection.
Ginger real works for me it was worse that I decided to insert ginger direct to my virgna which was full of sores it was painful but it real worked within a period of three days.So ginger works
Thanks for sharing your experience Marble? I guess inserting ginger directly must have been pretty painful, but I’m glad it worked!
I tried this tea tree coconut and ginger warm water soaked a tampoon and used it will warm ginger water have any effect on me since it was warm?
Hi Suzy, it should work as long as it wasn’t hot water. Good luck!
Ginger is amazing! For a vaginal yeast infection, brew a tea with several pieces of fresh ginger, add a couple teaspoons of coconut oil, 15 to 20 drops of tea tree oil, and soak a tampon in it for 10 minutes. Wear the tampon all day, and repeat every day until it’s gone. It usually only takes a couple days for me. For really bad infections it might take 3-5 days.
The above mixture can be applied to the vulva as well for immediate relief from the itching. It won’t burn since the coconut oil acts as a carrier oil for the tea tree.
I’ve also used ginger to help get rid of soar throats, nausea, and headaches. Works every time!
Thank you for sharing your recipe Jojo, it sounds like a very effective remedy! I hope you don’t mind me adding it to the main post? Thank you so much for sharing.
Well, ginger tea is very nice and I love the taste but I’m yet to try it for my candidiasis.
Hi, ginger can bring a much needed relief and it’s an effective cure especially when a yeast infection is just starting. When symptoms get worse, you may need something more potent, my first choice would be aloe vera.
I once had a terrible infection, the pain was so hi i was about to go to the emergency room. I read of the ginger properties not only antifungal but antibacterial as well. So i prepared a ginger tea i used it before for colds. I took a piece of cotton and plunge it into the tea, i wait for it ti cool down a little and then i started to give some touches in the infected area. I know they say it’s not ok to put things in there cause it can make it worse, but i was really desperate at the time. But the amazing thing, the next day the pain was gone, i continue to use it and cured the infection to the end. Now every time i get the slightly infection i use this method and it works magic.
Thanks for sharing this Gina, I’m glad ginger works for you! Do you use it only externally or do you also insert it?
You did not tell us how to use it to treat a yeast infection!
Hi Kay,
It’s because at the moment there are no studies that focus on using ginger for a vaginal yeast infection. It does have antifungal qualities, so it’s able to keep a healthy yeast balance in your body and stop Candida from converting into its pathogenic form, so incorporating ginger in your diet may help you prevent vaginal yeast infections. Thanks for commenting!
Ginger tea is an interesting way of ingesting ginger. I never would have thought to make ginger tea. I usually cook it when I cook but I think seeping ginger in hot water and adding honey and lemon is a better way.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your comment Dinh! I love ginger tea especially when I’m congested, it also alleviates throat ache and it’s yummy.
I’m definitely going to try this. I suffer from occasional yeast infections and I hate to keep using the cream stuff. Thanks for the info!
Great, I’m glad you found the info useful Shannon. You can try to use ginger combined with other natural antifungals such as cranberries or olive leaf. Good luck!