Using Tea Tree Oil for a Vaginal Yeast Infection


In this article, I’ll tell you how to use tea tree oil for yeast infections.

Tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) is obtained from the leaves of the tea tree. When diluted, it can be used to treat different skin conditions, such as acne, ringworm and fungal infections. Due to its antiseptic qualities, it can be applied to cuts and burns to speed up the healing.


tea tree oil for vaginal yeast infection


Recent studies show that tea tree oil has got potent antifungal properties and can be successfully used to treat yeast infections. It can kill Candida species susceptible to fluconazole, but also those that are Fluconazole-resistant and therefore more difficult to treat. So you can be sure that tea tree oil is an effective natural remedy for yeast infection and Candida overgrowth.

What Are the Symptoms of Yeast Infection?


If you’ve got a yeast infection, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • vaginal itching and burning
  • reddened, swollen labia
  • thick, white discharge (like cottage cheese)
  • discomfort during urination or sexual intercourse


These symptoms can sometimes be confused with BV or an STD, such as trichomoniasis. Before starting your treatment, make sure you get properly diagnosed. Check my article about testing for yeast infection from home.


If you want to make your own tea tree oil suppositories, follow my recipe:


This home remedy can treat yeast infections naturally. Using tea tree oil for vaginal infections shouldn’t give any side effects, but some women may feel a burning sensation which should disappear within a few minutes from inserting the suppository. If the burning doesn’t go away, remove the suppository because it may be an allergic reaction to tea tree oil.

Check my recipe for this excellent natural remedy for yeast infection:


  • Mix 5 tablespoons of high-quality organic coconut oil with a few drops of tea tree oil and lavender oil
  • Pour the mixture into a suppository tray
  • Leave it in the fridge until solid
  • Use one suppository overnight until your symptoms disappear. If you see no improvement within 3/4 days, go to sea your doctor.
  • Make sure you use a pad at night, in case the suppository leaks


Before you start using homemade suppositories for yeast infection, make sure you contact a healthcare professional to assess if it’s the right treatment for you.


If you want to treat your vaginal yeast infections naturally, you should also try tea tree suppositories, such as Femallay Tea Tree Oil Suppositories. I like the fact that they’ve got only natural ingredients:


  • Tea Tree Essential Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Illipe Butter
  • Carnauba Wax


Using tea tree oil for vaginal yeast infection


Each box contains 7 suppositories, and it comes with one applicator. You should use one suppository overnight for 7 consecutive days to get rid of your symptoms. According to reviews, the suppositories are very effective, but they can get messy so definitely use a pantyliner.


Other Benefits of Tea Tree Suppositories


Apart from excellent antifungal properties, tea tree essential oil suppositories can also treat:


  • Bacterial Vaginosis (thanks to the antibacterial properties of tea tree oil)
  • Vaginal dryness (coconut oil is a natural moisturizer)
  • Vaginal odor (tea tree oil has got a beautiful, fresh smell)
  • Vaginal irritations
  • And vaginal pH imbalances


Tea tree oil for vaginal yeast infection


Using tea tree oil suppositories is a natural way of preventing vaginal discomfort, so you could use it once a week to maintain vaginal hygiene.


Are Tea Tree Suppositories Safe?


Tea tree can cause an allergic reaction. Straight after inserting a suppository, you may feel a burning sensation. It’s normal, and it should subside within a few minutes. If it doesn’t subside or gets worse, it could mean you’ve suffered an allergic reaction and shouldn’t use tea tree suppositories in the future.


Tea tree oil for vaginal yeast infection


Tea tree oil should never be consumed or applied undiluted. One of the best carrier oils to use is coconut oil because it’s also antifungal and rarely produces allergic reactions.


Are There any Other Home Remedies for Yeast Infection you Should Try?


If you want to try other natural treatments for yeast infection, check my articles about the following treatment options:



Before using any of these home remedies seek medical advice to get properly diagnosed and assessed.



Tea tree oil is a safe way of maintaining vaginal health and getting rid of vaginal yeast infections. You can either make your own tea tree oil suppositories or buy them on Amazon.


Either way, it should provide much-needed relief from symptoms relatively quickly. If you want to read about other natural remedies for yeast infection, check my articles about coconut oil and aloe vera.


I’d love to hear about your experiences with using tea tree oil or other essential oils for yeast infections. Please share your comments and questions in the comment section below.


  • Hy ,I am getting yeast infection from last year it’s really unpleasant it’s coming again and again I want it’s permanent solution I have been using some medical cream but there is no change it come every two weeks then goes after applying cream

    • Hi Vani,
      Tea tree oil suppositories may not be effective in treating a chronic yeast infection that you’re suffering from. If you apply cream only externally, it will not cure your infection. You need to use antifungal suppositories such as Monistat or Boric acid suppositories. The latter is more effective in treating persistent yeast infections that don’t respond to conventional treatment. Good luck!

  • Hi, I am having yeast infection from last year it’s coming every month or after 2 weeks of curing, I have taken supplements like powder Nd cream but it comes back again and again I want a permanent solution and does tea tree oil suits all skin types I want your replay please

    • Hi Vani, as I said before, you need to use antifungal suppositories, a cream is not enough. Tea tree oil works fine, as long as you’re not allergic to it. However, if you’ve got a chronic yeast infection, I recommend a more potent natural remedy, boric acid suppositories. All the best!

  • Hi, I used tea tree oil suppositories for a yeast infection and it worked fine. The only problem is a stinging/burning sensation at the beginning. It’s very unpleasant. Could you recommend equally effective natural suppositories that don’t cause any side effects?

    • Hi Melody, unfortunately tea tree oil suppositories can sometimes cause a burning sensation or even an allergic reaction. Try homemade aloe vera suppositories instead, I think they are the best and the most effective when it comes to getting rid of vaginal yeast infections naturally.

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