What Causes a Yeast Infection in Women?
What Causes a Yeast Infection in Women?
You might be wondering what causes a yeast infection in women and why you get them so often. Women from all over the world have this problem, so you aren’t alone.
If you want to learn how you can avoid getting a yeast infection, check my list of causes of vaginal yeast infections and tips on how you can prevent them:
- Taking antibiotics can increase your chances of developing a yeast infection. The problem with antibiotics is that apart from killing harmful microorganisms, they also kill friendly bacteria which makes it easier for Candida to multiply cause an infection.
- A humid and warm environment is a perfect place for yeast to start breeding and cause nasty symptoms. To make sure you reduce your chances of getting a yeast infection, try not to wear tight, synthetic underwear, tights, leggings and trousers. It’s best to use cotton underwear or none at all. Silk underwear is also great. Also, make sure you don’t wear a wet swimsuit at the swimming pool or on the beach. Change into dry clothes as soon as possible. Another great tip is to sleep nude or at least without any underwear. This will reduce the humidity around your vagina and ensure more airflow creating hostile conditions for the yeast.
- Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink every day or week. Alcohol can stir up the bacterial balance in your body, creating a perfect environment for Candida to thrive. You don’t want this, so avoid it whenever possible. whenever you drink, take probiotic suppositories or probiotic supplements to reestablish the levels of friendly bacteria in your body.
- It’s good to remember that high cortisol levels in your blood can weaken your immune system and make you more prone to vaginal yeast infection. To reduce the risk, try to avoid situations that cause you chronic stress or learn techniques that will help you reduce stress. Caffeine-containing foods such as coffee, chocolate or ice cream also increase cortisol levels in your blood. Try to avoid them whenever possible. Lack of sleep can also boost cortisol levels, so try to get enough sleep every night.
- Having an intercourse more than 7 times per week may cause micro-injuries in the vaginal tissues. These small wounds make your vagina more prone to infection as they’re ideal for Candida to grow. Bear in mind that any type of wound or injury within the vulva will provide a perfect environment for a yeast infection to develop.
- If you use lubricants and condoms, check the package. If they have a spermicide called nonoxynol-9, avoid them. the chemical is also common in diaphragm jelly, cervical caps and contraceptive sponges. Scientific research shows that nonoxynol-9 not only triggers vaginal yeast infections but it also increases your risk of catching HIV because it makes vaginal tissue more prone to injuries. Always look into the ingredients before you buy. Although Durex
has ceased selling products with nonoxynol-9, you may still find a few floating around.
- If you are a carrier of HIV or you have diabetes, you are more susceptible to yeast infections. Try to go with a diet rich in probiotics, as this greatly helps. There are also a lot of probiotic supplements out there that can help you. All of these are used to keep your vaginal flora balanced and strengthen your defenses against yeast infections. You can also use probiotic tampons when you have your period to help develop the friendly bacteria that you need.
- Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy or period can also trigger a yeast infection. Eat one cup of yogurt every morning or take probiotic supplements every day. These will definitely make a difference as they help maintain healthy levels of friendly bacteria, which help protect you from Candida overgrowth. Another great way to avoid a yeast infection during or after your period is to use probiotic tampons, they provide probiotics straight to your vagina making sure they can easily colonize it and eradicate harmful microorganisms, such as Candida or bacteria that cause bacterial vaginosis.
- Always try to avoid steroid medications. There have been many studies that indicate they actually cause yeast infections. If you must take steroids, at least have your Dr. prescribe an oral antifungal medication, such as Fluconazole, as a preventative measure. You can also strengthen your immunity by using natural antifungal supplements, such as Aloe vera, cranberries or propolis.
- Scented soaps or hygiene products, as well as bubble baths, are a big no-no. They can really affect you by changing the pH within the vagina. This invites Candida to come and grow. Perfumed toilet paper will also irritate your skin, causing even more infections. Instead of using scented products go for gentle intimate washes with natural ingredients and antifungal washes to help prevent yeast infections.
- Instead of using traditional, estrogen-based oral contraceptives, go for progestin-only pills. Some studies show a link between estrogen rich contraceptives and vaginal yeast infections. Discuss your options with your doctor.
- Another risk factor when it comes to vaginal yeast infections is harsh chemicals found in swimming pools. They are designed to kill harmful bacteria and maintain proper pH levels, but at the same time they can kill the friendly bacteria in your vagina and upset its pH making it more prone to infection. Whenever you can, choose a UV or ozone sanitized swimming pool, they don’t use as many chemicals as normal pools. Also, make sure you don’t walk around in a wet swimsuit as this can provide a perfect humid and warm environment for yeast to breed.
- Studies show that vaginal douches can upset your vaginal flora and cause yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.
- Studies show that eating sugar can increase the risk of getting a vaginal yeast infection in women who suffer from impaired glucose tolerance. If you’re suffering from recurring yeast infections, it’s worth to have your glucose tolerance tested to eliminate this cause or get proper treatment to avoid yeast infections in future.
Check this video to learn more about what is a vaginal yeast infection and how you can prevent it and treat it:
Is there anything else that you think triggers your vaginal yeast infections? Please share your experiences and questions in the comment section below.
It’s important to confirm that recurrent symptoms are due to Candida yeasts by visiting a clinic who will examine samples under a microscope and confirm yeast prsent with cultures. The reason this is important is that a bacterial imbalance called bacterial vaginosis can cause similar symptoms that partially improve with candida treatment, and then comes back again so you think it is recurrent yeast. BV needs a different type of treatment approach.
You really covered this subject well! I knew cranberry was good for UTI’s, but had no idea it would help with the yeast infections. I think I’ve been blessed in that I’ve only had 2 of them. That was miserable. Thanks for the info on the tampons, too. I never knew they had probiotic tampons! I’m going to look for them. I don’t get a lot of probiotics except what I get from the occasional yogurt. I know they are very good for our bodies.
Thanks for your feedback Valerie. Probiotics not only help fight yeast infections, they also boost our immune system and improve digestion. It’s important to incorporate them in our diets either by eating probiotic-rich foods such as pickles, olives, yogurt and fermented foods or by taking probiotic supplements.
Hello, I see that this problem with yeast is common thing and widely spread around planet.
I heard that symptoms are unpleasant and it is not so easy to rid of them.
I think our food makes a really big difference towards our health.
When we do not get minerals, antioxidants and enzymes, we weaken our immune system. Besides it, bad habits such as smoking, drinking and laziness can lead to this unpleasant condition: yeast infection.
I think that if we lead healthy lifestyle, we can rid of these Candida albicans.
I wish that your visitors would take care of themselves after reading your article.
All the best, Nemira.
Hi Nemira, I hope my article will help women take a better care of themselves so they can avoid getting vaginal yeast infections and improve their quality of life. Thank you for commenting.
What a nice and informative article. I was not aware of many of these details. I have friends and family who will find this article very interesting.
Alcohol and coffee can be bad, but I was not aware about certain condoms were on that list. The sleep nude part has been passed to the wife!
Thank you for sharing 🙂
Thanks for commenting Thomas. I’m glad you found a tip or two in my article that you can share with your wife. I think it’s very important for partners of women suffering from yeast infections to have some knowledge about the condition to be able to fully support her and not let the condition have a negative effect on the relationship, which unfortunately sometimes happens, especially in cases of recurring vaginal yeast infections. All the best!
Interesting post. I had no idea that some of these things could cause yeast infections.
I am sure you are going to help a lot a women, as as far as I can gather this seems like a pretty common thing to get.
I was surprised that swimming could be one of the triggers. I enjoy this activity a lot, but have never had any problems.
Thanks for your feedback Michel. I’m glad swimming doesn’t trigger yeast infections in your case. There are more and more studies that suggest genetic vulnerability to yeast infections, which could explain why some women get yeast infections very often, others only occasionally, and some lucky ones never get them. I’ll write an article on this topic soon, I find it very interesting.
Hi Kams,
I very rarely get a yeast infection these days, but a few years ago I found that every time I took antibiotics I would get one. This led me to start finding more natural cures for any ailments that I had. It’s made me a lot happier cause I am much healthier now, as a result.
This has been a really informative post and I had no idea that there were so many causes. I was especially shocked about the nonoxynol-9 in condoms, as this was something I had no idea about.
Thanks for this info.
Love and light.
Thanks for your comment Vivia, I’m glad you found the article useful. Antibiotics are a very common cause of yeast infections because they kill friendly bacteria that protect us from infections. Fortunately there are many probiotic supplements and probiotic suppositories that we can use to counteract this effect and avoid getting a yeast infection while on antibiotics.
Hi Kams,
What a nice article, I found it really interesting!
I’ve been suffering from vaginal yeast infections almost all my life now and I can tell you that it really bothers me!
I went to the gynecologist and she gave me a cream to relieve itching and it didn’t help me at all!
I bought Marseille soap, I stopped eating sugar and bread and I don’t drink alcohol. I can tell that there is a big improvement, but still have this yeast infection from time to time. Maybe it’s the stress as you have mentioned in the article as well. So, I am considering to start some meditation or Yoga hoping it will go away for ever!
Thank you very much for these great suggestions!
Thanks for commenting Daniella. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been suffering from yeast infections for a long time. It’s a very painful condition and you must have suffered a lot. It not only affects us physically, but also psychologically, making us more irritable and lowering our libido. I hope the information you’ll find on my website will help you find a remedy for yeast infection that will help you get rid of it for good.