What is the Treatment for Yeast Infection?
What is the Treatment for Yeast Infection?
If you’ve got a yeast infection, there are many treatment options for you to choose from: from OTC medications to prescription drugs and all natural suppositories. You can also boost your treatment and achieve more lasting effects if you use probiotic suppositories and supplements during and after your treatment for yeast infection.
I’ll discuss all the above options in this article to help you find an effective solution for vaginal yeast infection that best suits your needs.
First, Get Diagnosed!
Before you start your treatment, you need to make sure that it’s really a yeast infection and not a different type of infection, such as BV or an STD! To get diagnosed, you can see your doctor and have your swabs taken and analyzed, or you can order a vaginal health test online.
MyLabBox offers an innovative STD testing service that allows you to take your swabs at home and send them straight to the lab. Your results will be available online within a few days. All this with complete privacy and without leaving your home. Go ahead and order MyLabBox Vaginal Health Test and find out what’s causing your symptoms.
Over the Counter Medication for Vaginal Yeast Infection
- Clotrimazole (Taro Clotrimazole 7 Vaginal Cream
) – clotrimazole is one of the most common choices for women suffering from a vaginal yeast infection. It’s available in the form of suppositories or applicators with a vaginal cream. Read more.
- Miconazole (Monistat 7) – the most popular OTC medication with miconazole is Monistat. It comes with applicators filled with vaginal cream and you can choose a 1, 3 or 7 treatment. Check my review of all Monistat treatments to find the best for you.
Prescription Medications for Vaginal Yeast Infection
- Fenticonazole (Gynoxin, Lomexin) – this drug is as effective as clotrimazole and miconazole in treating vaginal yeast infections and it’s relatively safe to use as it rarely produces any side effects
- Nystatin (Mycostatin) – your doctor may prescribe it if you suffer from a yeast infection caused by a Candida strain immune to conventional treatment
- Terbinafine (Lamisil 1% Cream) – studies show that terbinafine is as effective as other antifungal treatments for vaginal yeast infection. However, more research is needed to establish its effect on different Candida strains
Oral Prescription Drugs for Vaginal Yeast Infection
Some oral antifungal pills are so potent, they may be enough to treat your vaginal yeast infection without resorting to vaginal creams and suppositories. Sometimes they are used in combination with conventional yeast infection drugs, such as clotrimazole.
- Fluconazole – in some cases, a 150 mg fluconazole tablet is enough to completely clear a yeast infection. Fluconazole rarely produces any side effects, so it’s often prescribed to treat vaginal yeast infections, especially in severe, persistent cases.
- Itraconazole (Sporanox) – It’s a very effective drug, but it’s only prescribed in difficult to treat yeast infection cases because it can produce severe side effects, including heart failure.
What are the Best Natural Suppositories for Yeast Infection?
Some natural remedies for yeast infection are as effective as conventional antifungal drugs. If you prefer to use 100% natural treatments, there are a few products with fantastic reviews, that you can easily buy online.
Boric Acid Suppositories
Research shows that boric acid is effective in treating vaginal yeast infections, as more conventional antifungal medications. It provides quick relief and it’s 100% natural.
One of my favorite products is BoriCap. If you order before 2 pm, they guarantee next day shipping so you can start your treatment as soon as possible.
It contains only medical grade boric acid and gelatin capsules, without any unnecessary colorants or preservatives.
The treatment usually lasts for 14 days. You should insert one suppository in the morning and one before bedtime for 14 consecutive nights. After you finish your treatment, you can use one suppository a week for up to 6 months to prevent a yeast infection from recurring.
Studies show that boric acid can be even more effective than fluconazole, as it inhibits Candida albicans as well as fluconazole-resistant Candida glabrata strains.
The fact that it rarely gives any side effects, makes it a safe and affordable alternative to conventional antifungal drugs.
Tea Tree and Coconut Oil Suppositories
Femallay suppositories contain tea tree oil and coconut oil. Both of these natural ingredients have got an excellent record of killing Candida cells and they’ve been successfully used to treat vaginal yeast infections in different scientific studies.
Other ingredients are Illipe butter and carnuba wax, making the suppositories 100% natural and safe.
One box contains seven suppositories that you’re supposed to insert in your vagina for 7 consecutive nights before going to bed. You can also use it once a week to prevent vaginal yeast infections from recurring.
Don’t use these suppositories if you’re allergic to any of its ingredients. If you get any unpleasant side effects that don’t disappear within a few minutes, remove the suppository immediately and find an alternative treatment.
How About Homemade Suppositories?
DIY suppositories can be as effective as the OTC ones. You can combine high-quality coconut oil with 100% aloe vera gel to create a very potent antifungal mixture. Just follow these easy steps:
- Mix seven tablespoons of coconut oil with one tablespoon of 100% natural aloe vera gel
- Place the mixture in a suppository tray
- Put the tray in a fridge or freezer until it’s solid (but not frozen)
- Insert one suppository for 7 consecutive nights before going to bed
The suppository may leak when you sleep, so it’s best to use a pad when you use it. Both coconut oil and aloe vera gel have got excellent antifungal properties, so you should see an improvement within a few days.
Use Probiotic Suppositories to Boost Your Antifungal Treatment
One of the main causes of vaginal yeast infections is a bacterial imbalance in your vagina. The vaginal bacterial flora consists of friendly bacteria (probiotics) and some potentially harmful microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast.
If the number of friendly bacteria is high enough, other potentially harmful organisms have got no room to multiply and cause an infection. Friendly bacteria also produce lactic acid which helps maintain a healthy vaginal pH. A balanced vaginal pH makes it difficult for yeast and bacteria to spread and cause unpleasant symptoms.
That’s why it’s important to replenish the friendly bacteria levels during and after your treatment to make sure that the infection doesn’t come back.
In order to do it, you can use probiotic suppositories along with your antifungal suppositories. One of my favorite probiotic suppositories products is called EcoVag.
EcoVag suppositories contain Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus gasseri, two probiotic strains commonly found in the vagina. They are scientifically proven to boost your vaginal health and immunity.
One box contains 10 suppositories, enough to use during your antifungal treatment. You can also use it once a week after your treatment’s over, to help prevent vaginal yeast infections from recurring.
Take Probiotic Supplements to Prevent Yeast Infections from Coming Back
Another way to boost your immunity and cut the risk of developing another yeast infection, or simply boost your antifungal treatment, is to take probiotic supplements daily. There are probiotic supplements designed especially for women, that contain probiotic strains which can reach the vagina when ingested.
Apart from that, they contain other probiotic strains that support your digestive system and help maintain a healthy bacterial balance in your intestines.
I always recommend Garden of Life Raw Probiotics for Women, as they have got an impressive number of probiotic strains (32!) and a high CFU count ( 85 billion ). These numbers make for a very potent probiotic supplement for women bound to boost your vaginal and digestive health as well as your immunity. Check my full review of Garden of Life Raw Probiotics Women here.
What Else Can I do to Speed Up my Recovery?
- Sleep naked: By sleeping without your bottoms, you allow the air to circulate freely around the vagina keeping it dry and cool. Yeast thrives in warm and humid conditions!
- Wear cotton underwear and loose fitting clothes: Natural, loose-fitting fabrics allow more air to access your vagina, keeping it dry and cool and at the same time creating unfavorable conditions for yeast.
- Avoid swimming pools: The chemicals used to sanitize pools can further disturb your bacterial balance in the vagina making it more difficult to recover.
- Refrain from sexual activity: Sexual intercourse can lead to micro-injuries in your vaginal tissue. Those micro-injuries create perfect conditions for yeast to thrive and multiply.
- Reduce your alcohol and caffeine intake as they can disturb your bacterial flora.
- Do not use vaginal douches. They rinse out friendly bacteria from your vagina, making it more difficult for you to recover.
- Don’t use scented soaps. They contain irritating ingredients that can make your symptoms worse. Stick to 100% natural feminine washes with natural antifungal ingredients.
Although vaginal yeast infection is not a life-threatening condition, its symptoms are so annoying and painful that you want to get rid of them as soon as possible. Especially that they seem to get worse by day, so the treatment has to be quick and effective.
One of the most important things to do before you start your treatment though is to be 100% sure that you’ve got a yeast infection and not, for example, a sexually transmitted disease.
You don’t want to be wasting time and money on products that are not designed to treat your infection, plus some STDs can be dangerous if left untreated.
Your best bet is to go to see your doctor and have your vaginal secretions tested. Another thing you can do is to order a vaginal health test to determine what kind of infection you’re suffering from.
Once you’ve recovered, you should introduce small changes in your lifestyle to make sure that a yeast infection doesn’t come back. If you want to learn more, check my tips on preventing vaginal yeast infections.
I’d love to hear your stories. What’s the best way to treat a yeast infection based on your experiences? Please share your stories, tips, and questions in the comment section below.
Hi Kams, thanks for the recipe for coconut oil suppositories. I added a few drops of tea tree oil as well and after first night I felt much better, the infection cleared within 3 days. I’m so glad I didn’t have to take medication, I always try to use natural treatments whenever possible. I love your website, so much useful information here!
Hi Chrissy, I’m glad coconut suppositories worked for you. In some cases this kind of treatment may not be enough and using something more potent is necessary. If you still want to keep it natural, try boric acid suppositories. Boric acid kills difficult to treat Candida strains as well as bacteria that causes bacterial vaginosis. All the best!
Hi Kams, I´ve been suffering from chronic yeast infections for months now and whatever my doctor prescribes, doesn’t have a lasting effect. He’s never mentioned things like boric acid or tea tree suppositories, I didn’t know such yeast infection treatments existed. I’ve ordered BoriCap and I’ll see how it goes, I’ll let you know if it works for me. Thanks for your recommendations.
Hi Stephanie, I think boric acid suppositories are really worth trying. It helps many women with recurrent yeast infections, myself included! Keep us updated. Good luck!
Hi, I’ve never heard about using boric acid for vaginal yeast infections, is it completely safe?
Hi Bree, boric acid is considered safe, however in women that are very sensitive to it it can cause vaginal burning and lesions. But most women don’t experience any side effects at all, so it’s worth to try it. Should you experience any discomfort that doesn’t go away a few minutes after inserting a boric acid suppository, remove it immediately and find an alternative treatment.